36 – 24 – 36

“Thirty six, twenty-four, thirty-six,” I yelled to my husband from the bedroom.

“OK, I’ll bite,” he replied, “Because I know you aren’t talking about you — you’re way bigger on top.” He must have been walking to join me because his voice came closer and closer…

I waited until he joined me in the room where I was busy dusting and rearranging items on the tall bookshelf opposite the bed.

“Thirty six, twenty-four, thirty-six!” I proclaimed again.

“Yes… I’ve got that. What are you talking about?”

“With today’s purchases from the flea market, my collections now number 36 – 24 -36!” I replied giddily.

Undaunted by his lack of enthusiasm, or even a reply, I continued. “With today’s find, the Old Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards, I now have 36 decks–”

“OK,” he interrupted, picking up my other acquisition of the day, “and this book makes 24 or 36 of what?”

“Actually, neither,” I answered. “See, I’m not sure until I read it where it will go…”

“So then the numbers will change again…”

“Yes, but for now, my collection is in perfect form! I was bottom heavy before,” I giggled.

“So can we stop buying now?” he laughingly challenged me.

“Of course not!”


vintage-magic-collectiblesSince this time, I still have not had the time to read the book — however, I did some research online…

The book I bought and am unsure where it will sit in my collections is Seven Footprints To Satan by A. Merrit. I was drawn to it by its cover art. I was smitten when I read the words “collection of curios and antiques” and “witch-like woman” — and when I saw it contained scenes from the “photoplay,” I snapped it up and paid the full $2 without a quibble (and I nearly always quibble!). Turns out, this book is from one of the last — if not the last — silent horror film. My copy, with it’s original dust-jacket, is the third printing, March, 1928. And one from 1929 just sold for $125 on eBay! Score!

Not that I’ll sell it. But I am even more eager to read it. (Then, perhaps, watch the film itself as well.) And then I’ll know which of my collections, the silent film collection or witchy-women collection, it belongs in… Not that those are my only collections. Just the ones I keep in the bedroom. *wink*

While the book is thrilling, I am also very eager to work with the vintage fortune telling cards as well. While they are Old Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards by Whitman (circa 1940), and therefore not super “authentic”, the graphics are very cool and the instruction sheet is still there. I am thrilled with a $4 find (that I only paid $3 for lol)

These numbers are even better than the 36-24-36!

All in all, a lovely day antiquing! Totally worth the miserable early hour thing.

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