Lavish Me, Lavish You

I finally got around to creating my profile at Buy Women Gifts and it seems an excellent time for me to bring up a subject which often raises concerns and ambivalence: Financial Domination.

When I first learned of findom, I was more than a bit aghast. Like humiliation, it took me some time talking to those who have such kinks and fetishes to understand the psychological issues at work here before I was willing to relax, push those buttons, and really enjoy creating findom scenes, playing raise the rate games, and in general get wet over being a cash kitten. And yes, I honestly do get as wet over it now! And it’s not just about getting nice things — it really isn’t.

cash kittens


Aside from a woman liking gifts, there are the thrilling real world impacts of our erotic findom time together.

There are multiple ways, multiple times, financial domination takes our fantasy world into reality and affects both of us. The money isn’t Monopoly money; it actually disappears from your bank account and either appears in mine, shows up as an electronic gift card, or shows up at my door in the form of something I desire. There’s a special quality to that. To having a practical, real world reminder of our relationship. Knowing that there’s a real world impact for you, a connection that goes past you replaying our previous time spent together in your head or looking at a photo — and that truly pleases me.

Every time I wear that dress you bought, drink the wine you surprised me with, spot that item on the shelf that I was able to splurge on, I am thinking of you — warmly. And without any message or call from you! Those of you who have splurged on gifts or enjoyed some erotic financial domination with me know that such warm thoughts of you typically result in me contacting you with a little note. (Not that a true little subbie ought to expect anything — their gift is the happiness of giving me my due and paying their dues, delighting in making my life a little brighter!)

There are as many levels of financial domination (from the purely proud to be so generous as to lavish their lady, to the sugar daddy, to the hardcore findom fetishists who like to be humiliated by their Mistress — and a million stops in between)  as there are ways to play financial domination games (there’s the $10 tribute, the $100 gift card to my favorite restuurant, the $300 raise the rate phone sex call, the daily devotional $500 — and millions of dollars along the way!).  It’s up to us to decide how we want to play. For even if I am your Darling Kelpie Princess, and I may request that particular gift or command that you worship me like a religion I am to you, it is up to you to consent.

This brings us to the practical side to fin dom fun.

Fact: Your budget, your credit card limit, that is our BDSM safe word. When things are too intense for you, when you feel you are obsessing on our time together, or you’ve just run out of funds on your account, your wallet will compel us to stop.

Of course, I will still have to tease now and then (Because “a tease” is who I am. And because I can!), but fundamentally, when the money’s all spent, we must press the pause button on our fun and games. (This is also why it is imperative, especially for those of you with true financial domination fetishes, that you be honest with me regarding your budget. Like any D/s play, we must honestly discuss limits so that you can properly consent and I can respect the limits.)

Even if we must stop unexpectedly, our fun isn’t completely over. We may not be spending time together, but we’ll always have our memories — and the warm and even hot feelings that accompany them! Those hot times can — and do! — get us through until the start of the next budget cycle.

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